Document Type : Case report/ series


1 Ph.D. Student, UNIDERP, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil

2 Private practice, Innovare, Salvador, BA, Brazil

3 Ph.D., Professor of Orthodontics, UFBA, Salvador, BA, Brazil

4 Ph.D., Professor of Orthodontics, UNIDERP, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil

5 Ph.D., Professor of Orthodontics, UESB, Jequié, BA, Brazil


Aim: We have reported a case of a 17-year-old patient with impaction of element 2.1 and severe incisors crowding and the treatment plan involved traction of the impacted teeth.
Methods: First, rapid maxillary expansion was performed. Then elements 1.4, 2.4, 3.4, and 4.4 were extracted to dissolve the crowding, and the fixed appliances were bonded. A NiTi coil spring was used to open the needed space for traction, and surgical exposure of the tooth for bonding a traction device was done. After the tooth erupted in the oral cavity, overlay mechanics was used to align and level it.
Results: Despite being challenging, the conservative treatment resulted in satisfactory outcomes, and the objectives were achieved, restoring the patient's aesthetics and function.
Conclusion: After correct planning of the case, the impacted central incisor was pulled, restoring the patient's function and aesthetics, with good preservation of the supporting structures.


Main Subjects

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