The Iranian Journal of Orthodontics publishes Original Papers, Review Articles, Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, Short Communications, Technical Notes, Editorials, and Letters to the Editor in any specialty related to orthodontics. All articles submitted to the journal are peer-reviewed in a double-blind review process. We ask authors to blind their submissions to conceal their identity (and often, their location) from the reviewers; likewise, the identities of the reviewers are concealed from the authors. Sometimes absolute blinding of submission is not practical. If the submission you are invited to review has not been adequately blinded, please mention this in your review but otherwise do your best to complete the review impartially. If you are not able to be impartial, please contact the editor or the journal office.


To submit your review online, please log in to Editorial Manager as a Reviewer and select “Pending Assignments.” The next window will show any submissions you have agreed to review. When you are ready, select “Submit Late Review.” from the actions submenu. A standard review form will open, and you will be asked to rate the submission and enter Comments to the Author as well as Confidential Comments to the Editor. You can also select your decision based on the quality of the study: Accept; Minor Revision; Major Revision; Reject.


Original Studies

Original studies should be reviewed based on the originality, presentation, and relevance of the manuscript’s subject matter to the readership of the journal, and also the accuracy of the methodology. A checklist for peer-reviewing could be found here and help with the detailed review of the original research.


Randomized Clinical Trials

Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have specific and unique reporting requirements. You can download the CONSORT checklist here to help you evaluate the randomized clinical trials submitted to the journal.


Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Systematic Review and Meta-analyses (SRs) have specific and unique reporting requirements. You can download the 2020 PRISMA checklist from here. Please complete this form offline as part of your review and upload it as a Review Attachment.